Young Child Outcomes Index (YCOI)
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Polity & Governance
- Published
8th Sep, 2020
- YCOI is a part of the “State of the Young Child in India” report, brought out by a civil society organization Mobile Creches.
- The report is supported by Bernard Van Leer Foundation.
- The report has also released Young Child Environment Index (YCEI) for 2015-16.
- YCOI - It takes following indicators into account
- Health,
- Nutrition
- Cognitive growth
- Infant mortality rate,
- Stunting,
- Net attendance at the primary school level.
- YCEI – It is based on indices using data related to various indicators on gender, poverty, health, safe water supply and education.
- This Index make clear that states with better circumstances tend to have better young child outcomes.
- It uses five policy enablers that influence child well-being outcomes, including poverty alleviation, strengthening primary healthcare, improving education levels, safe water supply and promotion of gender equity.
- Kerala, Goa, Tripura, Tamil Nadu and Mizoram are among the top five States for well-being of children.
- Eight States that have scores below the country’s average: they are Assam, Meghalaya, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.
- The index has been constructed for two time periods (2005–2006 and 2015–2016) to enable inter-State comparisons as well as provide an idea of change over time.
- According to the environment index, Kerala, Goa, Sikkim, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh secured the top five positions.