Current Affairs

Left Wing Extremism in India

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    Polity & Governance
  • Published
    14th Mar, 2022
  • Context

    The incidents of Left Wing Extremism (LWE) violence had reduced by 70% to 509 in 2021 compared with the 2018-19 period. The number of deaths due to LWE, too, was drastically down to 147 in 2021 from 1,005 in 2010.

  • What is Left Wing Extremism (LWE)?

    • Left-wing extremism is an ideology which believes that Indian democracy is a hoax and uprooting the current political system is essential for establishing a more equitable society.
    • This ideology is also termed as Maoism and Naxalism.
    Maoism: An ideology propagated by Chinese leader Mao Zedong. It believes in forcefully taking up power and setting up a communist system of governance.

    Naxalism: Left Wing Extremism in India is called as Naxalism as this movement had started in Naxalbari village in West Bengal.
    • Naxalist have been operational in various parts of India. Its emergence and spread are mostly seen the regions that are least developed.
    • Although this Red Corridor has shrank significantly in the recent years.
    Red Corridor: The red corridor, also called the red zone, is the region in the eastern, central and the southern parts of India where the Naxalite–Maoist insurgency has the strongest presence.
  • What are the factors that led to the Emergence of Left Wing Extremism in India?

    • Governance Issues:
      • Ill-administration and mis-governance has led to inefficiency, corruption and exploitation of people in the hinterlands of India leading to the local population becoming rebellious.
    • Socio-Economic Factors:
      • Economic deprivation and underdevelopment catalyse the rise of the Left Wing Extremism Groups (LEGs).
      • Poverty and lack of even the basic opportunities like primary education and health make them question the existence of current political and administrative system in their life.
      • No or limited land reforms have made sure that means of production are never held by the poor and they no longer become stakeholders in the present system allowing them to take up arms in dismantling it when occasion permits them.
      • Naxal groups also provide employment opportunities to the youth of the region in the economically backward regions of the country where unemployment prevails.
    • Political Marginalization:
      • The present political system, even after constitutionally setting up the local self-governing bodies, does not allow participation of the poor and marginalised. Thus, making them feel alienated from the governance of their country.
    • Issues related to Tribals:
    • Incidences of naxal insurgencies are mostly seen in areas with large tribal population and reasons for their rise in such places is as follows:
    • Forest land, which is source of livelihood for the tribals, being taken away from them by the government for “public purpose” without they getting adequately compensated.
    • Rejection or delay in land grants to the tribals.
  • What has been the approach of Indian Government to tackle LWE?

    • Government of India has taken a holistic approach in dealing with the menace of LWE.
    • It views and has been tackling the issue from the stand point of security, providing better governance to local population, ensuring their rights are not infringed and managing the public opinion.
    • It has to be remembered though that “Law and Order” is a state subject and therefore primarily this is the domain of state governments.
    • The Central Government therefore focuses on monitoring the situation, coordinating amongst the various states and supplementing the resources of states in fight against LWE.
    • Some of the initiatives undertaken by Central Government to tackle LEW are as follows:
      • Security Related Expenditure Scheme: Under this scheme the Central Government reimburses State Governments of States Security Related Expenditure linked to training and operational needs of security forces, ex-gratia payment to the family of civilians/security forces killed/injured in LWE violence, compensation to Left Wing Extremist cadres, etc.
      • Special Central Assistance for most LWE affected districts: The main objective of this Scheme is to fill the critical gaps in Public Infrastructure and Services. It is a sub-scheme of the Umbrella Scheme ‘Modernization of Police Forces’.
      • Special Infrastructure Scheme:  Funds are provided under this scheme to States for strengthening their Infrastructure related to Security.
      • Civil Action Programme:  The aim of this scheme is to bridge the gaps between Security Forces and local people through personal interaction and bring the human face of security forces before the local population.
      • Aspirational District Programme: This programme is implemented by Ministry of Home Affairs and it focuses on development of 35 most LWE affected districts of India.
  • What are the challenges faced by Government of India in tackling Naxalism?

    • Attracting masses: The ideology of naxals, which calls for establishment of a society that is more just and equal attracts the poor and downtrodden from the hinterlands of India.
    • Better coordination with maoist groups: Maoist today, even if reduced in numbers, are carrying out their activities in more planned manner using modern equipment. There has also been seen better coordination between various Maoist groups which is a serious cause of concern.
    • Alienation factor: A purely security-driven approach fraught with human rights violations has added to the alienation among the poor in these areas.
  • Way forward

    It has to be understood that tackling LWE will require sustained efforts in long term. Hence, long term planning and political will to execute this planning is required. The efforts of state police have to supplemented by the central armed forces along with also better coordination between different police departments is required. Socio-Economic development of the region infected with the virus of LWE has to be focused. The local people need to be made the stake holders in India’s politics and economy.

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