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World Cancer Day 2022

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  • Published
    4th Feb, 2022

World Cancer Day is observed every year globally on 4th February by the Union for International Cancer Control.


World Cancer Day is observed every year globally on 4th February by the Union for International Cancer Control.

What is Cancer?

  • Cancer is a collection of diseases in which uncontrolled growth of cells starts, due to which trillion of cells are formed. As we know that human cells grow and divide to form new cells as per the requirement of the body. When cells become old or damaged, they die and new cells take their place. 
    • But in cancer, it does not happen. When in a body, cancer develops, cells become abnormal, old cells instead of dying, survive and when there is no need for new cells, then also develop. 
      • These extra cells divide and divide and grow into tumours.

Causes of cancer 

  • Various types of cancer are there and the reasons for developing it are also different. If you are taking medicines for any serious illness, then due to the side effects of these medicines, you may get cancer, but there are some other reasons also like -
    • Smoking
    • Overweight
    • Non-nutritious diet
    • Tobacco Chewing
    • Not doing exercise (enough physical activities)


  • In 2000, World Cancer Day originated at the first World Summit Against Cancer and was held in Paris. 
  • At this Summit, several leaders of government agencies, and cancer organisations from around the world signed the Charter of Paris Against Cancer.
  • It was a document of 10 articles that outlined a cooperative global commitment to improving the quality of life of cancer patients and to the continued investment in and advancement of cancer research, prevention, and treatment. 
    • Article X of the charter formally declared February 4 as World Cancer Day. 
  • As per World Health Organisation (WHO), if the incidence of cancer continues to grow at the reported rate, the number of deaths worldwide from cancer will increase to more than 16.3 million by 2040. 
    • Also, 40 percent of deaths from cancer are preventable according to WHO.


  • World Cancer Day 2015 theme - Not beyond us
  • World Cancer Day 2016- 2018 theme - We can, I can
  • World Cancer Day 2019-2021 Theme - I Am and I Will
  • World Cancer Day 2022-2024 Theme - Close the Care Gap

Union for International Cancer Control.

  • UICC was established in 1993. 
  • It has its headquarters in Geneva. 
  • It is a membership-based organisation taking care of Cancer around the world and helping in medical research.

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