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What is holographic imaging?

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    Science & Technology
  • Published
    17th Oct, 2020
  • Scientists have developed a method using holographic imaging to detect both viruses and antibodies.
  • Scientists have developed a method using holographic imaging to detect both viruses and antibodies.

    • The method uses laser beams to record holograms of their test beads.
    • The surfaces of the beads are activated with biochemical binding sites that attract either antibodies or virus particles, depending on the intended test.
    • Binding antibodies or viruses causes the beads to grow by a few billionth parts of a metre.
    • Scientists then can detect this growth through changes in the beads’ holograms.
    • Benefits of this method: The test could be done in under 30 minutes.
    • It is highly accurate.
    • It can be performed by minimally trained personnel.
    • Holography: is a process that creates three-dimensional images called holograms.
    • This is done using laser beams, the properties of interference and diffraction, light intensity recording, and illumination of the recording.
    • The Hungarian-British physicist Dennis Gabor was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1971“for his invention and development of the holographic method”.
    • Potential applications: Military mapping. Information storage. Fraud and security: Eg- small silver rectangle of a dove on your credit card. Art.

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