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Vaccine Passports

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    12th Apr, 2021

European Union countries have indicated towards attempting to create a ‘vaccine passport’ for citizens that can be used for traveling. While the World Health Organization (WHO) has not supported the idea of Vaccine Passport.


European Union countries have indicated towards attempting to create a ‘vaccine passport’ for citizens that can be used for traveling. While the World Health Organization (WHO) has not supported the idea of Vaccine Passport.

About the vaccine passport

  • It is an electronic record of vaccination in the form of a QR code.
  • It is easily accessible through a smartphone or can be stored on the device.
  • It can be printed out also.
  • It would be easy to use, and relatively inexpensive.
  • It is simply similar documentation like the physical card of US and Yellow card of WHO, that is given to people when they receive the vaccine.
  • Objection: The main objection is coming regarding the privacy issue of the people

Other Similar Initiatives

  • Digital Green Pass or a physical certificate in Israel
  • CommonPass, developed by Commons Project
  • Travel Pass, International Air Transport Association’s system

Verifying, please be patient.