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Social Security Code

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    5th Aug, 2020
  • A Report on Social Security Code by Parliamentary Committee on Labour was released.
  • Recommended the eligibility period for gratuity payable to an employee on termination of his employment should be reduced to one year from the present provision of five years.
  • Also recommended that this facility be extended to all kinds of employees, including contract labourers, seasonal workers, piece rate workers, fixed term employees and daily/monthly wage workers.
  • Stressed that there should be a robust redressal mechanism in case an employer does not pay up the dues.
  • Highlighted that the draft social security code does not state any goal of providing social security to all its citizens.
  • Recommended that the Social Security Code should have provisions to hold the employer liable for payment of gratuity to the employees within a stipulated time frame.
  • Even 73 years after Independence, only 9.3% of India’s 466 million-strong workforce has social security.

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