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QUAD group

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    World Affairs
  • Published
    23rd Oct, 2020

  • S. Deputy Secretary of State Stephen Biegunsaid that eventually the Quad group of countries should become more formalized once the parameters of cooperation were understood.
  • There have been calls for institutionalizationa formal agreement to transform the group into a formidable anti-China bloc.
  • Over the years each member state has faced the heat of China’s increased aggression.
  • India has been historically hesitant over explicitly defining its anti-China associations, the recent border confrontations at Ladakh give us enough cause to reassess the profits and pitfalls of such formalisation.
  • Quad grouping is a quadrilateral security dialogue includes Japan, India, United States and Australia.
  • All four nations find a common ground of being the democratic nations and common interests of unhindered maritime trade and security.

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