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Maldives bans ‘India Out’ Campaign

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    World Affairs
  • Published
    23rd Apr, 2022

Amid the “India Out” campaign that has been roiling Maldives for months, its President Ibrahim Mohammed Solih issued a decree banning protests against the country, citing a threat to national security.


Amid the “India Out” campaign that has been roiling Maldives for months, its President Ibrahim Mohammed Solih issued a decree banning protests against the country, citing a threat to national security.

About ‘India Out’ campaign 

  • ‘India Out’ campaign in Maldives had started sometime last year as on-ground protests in the Maldives and later widely spread across social media platforms under the same hashtag.
  • It is not related to people-to-people conflict (Indian diaspora) but is discontent on close relationship between Maldivian government & India.

About India-Maldives Relations

  • Both nations were Britain colonies.
    • India was among the first to recognise Maldives after its independence in 1965 and to establish diplomatic relations with the country. 
  • India established its mission at Malé in 1972.
  • India and Maldives share ethnic, linguistic, cultural, religious and commercial links steeped in antiquity and enjoy cordial and multi-dimensional relations.
  • India and Maldives are neighbors sharing a maritime border.
  • Both nations established diplomatic relations after the independence of Maldives from British rule in 1966.
  • India was one of the first nations to recognize Maldives’ independence.
  • Since then, India and Maldives have developed close strategic, military, economic and cultural relations.
  • Maldivians generally regard Indians and India as a friend and trusted neighbor in the field economic, social and political.

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