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ISRO demonstrates hack-proof quantum communication

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    Science & Technology
  • Published
    8th Feb, 2022

Recently, Scientists from Ahmedabad-based Space Applications Centre and Physical Research Laboratory have successfully demonstrated Quantum Entanglement. 


Recently, Scientists from Ahmedabad-based Space Applications Centre and Physical Research Laboratory have successfully demonstrated Quantum Entanglement. 

What is Quantum Communication?

  • Quantum communication is one of the safest ways of connecting two places with high levels of code and quantum cryptography that cannot be decrypted or broken by an external entity. 
  • If a hacker tries to crack the message in quantum communication, it changes its form in such a manner that would alert the sender and would cause the message to be altered or deleted.

About this technology

  • Quantum computing refers to a new era of faster and more powerful computers, and the theory goes that they would be able to break current levels of encryption.
  • QKD works by using photons — the particles which transmit light — to transfer data.
  • QKD allows two distant users, who do not share a long secret key initially, to produce a common, random string of secret bits, called a secret key.
  • Using the one-time pad encryption this key is proven to be secure to encrypt and decrypt a message, which can then be transmitted over a standard communication channel.


  • The encryption is “unbreakable” and that’s mainly because of the way data is carried via the photon. 
    • A photon cannot be perfectly copied and any attempt to measure it will disturb it. This means that a person trying to intercept the data will leave a trace.
  • The implications could be huge for cybersecurity, making businesses safer, but also making it more difficult for governments to hack into communication.

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