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IPCC assessment report released

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    11th Aug, 2021

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released the first part of the sixth assessment report (AR6). The two remaining parts are expected to be released next year.


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released the first part of the sixth assessment report (AR6). The two remaining parts are expected to be released next year.

About the IPCC reports

  • The IPCC reports are created by 3 working groups of scientists.
  • Working Group-I, deals with the scientific basis for climate change.
  • Working Group-II looks at the expected impacts, vulnerabilities, and adaptation issues.
  • Working Group-III deals with the actions that can be taken for combating climate change.
  • The assessment reports are the most widelyaccepted scientific opinion about the climate change.
  • They form the basis for government to form policies to tackle climate change.
  • It also provides scientific foundation for international climate change negotiations.

Key findings of the Sixth report

  • Global warming of 1.5°C and 2°C will be increased unless deep reductions in CO2 and other GHGs during the 21st century.
  • Earth’s global surface temperature has gone up by around 1.1 °C in comparison to the average in 1850–1900.
  • Such a level hasn’t been witnessed in 125,000 years.
  • Sea levels to rise by 2–3 meters over the next 2,000 years.
  • Increased frequency and intensity of the hot extremes, marine heatwaves, and the heavy precipitation along with the agricultural and ecological droughts.
  • Intensification and variability of the global water cycle.
  • The ocean and land carbon sinks are expected to be less effective.


  • It was set up in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP).
  • The IPCC is an organization of governments of the members of the United Nations or WMO. 
  • The IPCC currently has 195 members.
  • The main objective of the IPCC is to provide scientific information to governments at all levels so that they can use it to develop climate policies. 
  • IPCC does not engage in scientific research itself. Instead, asks scientists from around the world to go for all the relevant scientific literature that is related to climate change and draw up the logical conclusions.

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