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India to get UN tag of international disaster response force for NDRF

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    11th Jan, 2021

India could soon be a part of the United Nations (UN) mandated international disaster rescue operations as the country’s federal contingency force, NDRF, is expected to obtain a globally recognised standardizationby the Switzerland-headquartered INSARAG.


  • India could soon be a part of the United Nations (UN) mandated international disaster rescue operations as the country’s federal contingency force, NDRF, is expected to obtain a globally recognised standardizationby the Switzerland-headquartered INSARAG.

What is INSARAG?

  • INSARAG (or the International Search and Rescue Advisory Group) is a network of more than 90 countries and organisations.
  • It is headquartered in Switzerland.
  • It works under the UN umbrella to deal with urban search and rescue related issues.
  • The UN agency INSARAG standardises disaster response teams across the world.
  • It is an international gold standard.
  • China and Pakistan have already got the standard recognition.

National Disaster Response Force (NDRF)

  • The National Disaster Response Force was raised in 2006 to undertake specific tasks of relief and rescue during natural and manmade disasters or life threatening situations.
  • It has 12 operational battalions comprising more than 15,000 personnel based across the country at present while four more battalions are taking shape.

How the recognition would be significant for NDRF, India?

  • It will give an international recognition to NDRF and will India a profile of a great disaster response oriented country.
  • It will follow the protocols and standard operating proceduresof gold standard which would enhance its efficiency and capacity.
  • It will be called upon to take part in international efforts to mitigate the disasters.
  • NDRF can become a national accreditation agency for state disaster response forces with UN support.

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