India joins UN Alliance for Poverty Eradication
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World Affairs
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7th Jul, 2020
- India became a founding member of the United Nation (UN)’s ‘Alliance for Poverty eradication’ launched by Tijjani Muhammad-Bande, President of the 74th United Nation’s General Assembly (UNGA).
- It aims to focus on efforts to boost the global economy and eradicate poverty after COVID 19 pandemic.
- India stressed that ending poverty lies in guaranteed quality education, health, clean water, housing and social security but not in financial compensation alone.
- The Alliance for Poverty Eradication will serve as a forum member for member states to raise awareness about the danger possessed to world peace, human rights and sustainable development by poverty.
- Modernisations of Agriculture, creation of jobs are among the goal of reducing poverty.
- Among the 17 Sustainable Development goals Poverty eradication is at the top.