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India in collaboration with UN launches tech platform for peacekeepers

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  • Published
    20th Aug, 2021

India, in collaboration with the UN, launched a technology platform to ensure the safety and security of peacekeepers who are operating in increasingly complex and risky environments across the world.


India, in collaboration with the UN, launched a technology platform to ensure the safety and security of peacekeepers who are operating in increasingly complex and risky environments across the world.

What is UNITE Aware?

  • UNITE Aware is a situational awareness software programme that will utilise modern surveillance technology for real time threat assessments to peacekeepers.
  • The project, for which India has contributed USD 1.64 million, was launched in the presence of External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar here at the UN headquarters.
  • India has developed the technology platform in partnership with the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations and the Department of Operational Support.
  • Aim: 
    • To demonstrate the impact of modern surveillance technology on the detection of asymmetric threats. 
    • To improve camp security for UN peacekeepers, the overall security situation, and the quality of situational awareness, the Ministry of Affairs said in New Delhi earlier.
  • India has partnered with the UN to roll out the UNITE Aware platform initially in four UN Peacekeeping Missions: 
    • MINUSMA (Mali)
    • UNMISS (South Sudan)
    • UNFICYP (Cyprus) 
    • AMISOM (Somalia)

The launch of the UNITE AWARE platform came as India assumed the Presidency of the 15-nation UN Security Council for the month of August.

UN Peacekeeping

  • UN peacekeepers provide security and the political and peacebuilding support to help countries make the difficult, early transition from conflict to peace.
  • UN Peacekeeping is guided by three basic principles:
  • Consent of the parties
  • Impartiality
  • Non-use of force except in self-defence and defence of the mandate

India, a major contributing nation to UN peacekeeping activities

  • Currently, there are 5506 troops and police from India who have been deployed to nine different UN peacekeeping missions.
    • It is the second highest amongst troop-contributing countries.
  • Since 1948, more than 200,000 Indians have served in 49 of the 71 UN peacekeeping missions established around the world.
  • India became the first country to deploy an all-women contingent to a UN peacekeeping mission in 2017.

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