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Hyperloop technology

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    Science & Technology
  • Published
    9th Nov, 2020

Virgin Hyperloop has completed the world’s first passenger ride on a super-high-speed levitating pod system.


  • Virgin Hyperloop has completed the world’s first passenger ride on a super-high-speed levitating pod system.


What is Hyperloop?

  • Hyperloop is a sealed tube or system of tubes with low air pressure through which a pod may travel substantially free of air resistance or friction.
  • The Hyperloop could convey people or objects at airline or hypersonic speeds while being very energy efficient.
  • Elon Muskfirst publicly mentioned the Hyperloop in 2012.
  • Tesla and SpaceXstarted working on the conceptual modeling of Hyperloop in 2013.
  • By employing magnetically levitating trains in evacuated (airless) or partly evacuated tubes, allowing for speeds of thousands of miles per hour.
  • In 2018, Hyperloop One has entered into a MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with the Government of Maharashtra to build a hyperloop transportation system between Mumbai and Pune.

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