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High Temperature at Death Valley

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    19th Aug, 2020
  • Recently, Death Valley (USA) registered a temperature of 54.4°C which, once verified, could be the highest temperature in more than a century.
  • According to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Death Valley’s all-time record high is 56.7°C taken on 10th July 1913 at Greenland Ranch.
  • It still stands as the hottest ever recorded on the planet’s surface.
  • According to the World Health Organization (WHO), extreme heat can exacerbate pre-existing health conditions, including respiratory diseases, heart conditions and kidney disorders.
  • The immediate effects on the human body are heat cramps, dehydration and even potentially fatal heat strokes.
  • It can also have a severe impact on agriculture and forests.
  • It either causes vegetables to wilt and die or encourage the spread of plant diseases.
  • It causes wildfires which lead to forest cover reduction and death of fauna.
  • It affects infrastructure too by straining power grids and causing blackouts. It can ground planes, melt roads and cause the inside of vehicles to overheat to dangerous levels.

Verifying, please be patient.