High security registration plate (HRP)
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11th Oct, 2020
- They are made up of aluminum and are affixed using at least two non-reusable Snap-On locks.
- The plate comprises hot-stamped chromium-based 20 mm X 20 mm hologram of Ashoka Chakra in blue colour on the top left corner.
- At the bottom left corner is a 10-digit permanent identification number (PIN) that is laser branded on the reflective sheeting.
- HSRP also includes a hot stamped film applied on the numerals and letters bearing the inscription “INDIA” at a 45-degree angle.
- Once affixed, the unique high security registration plate is electronically linked to the vehicle.
- Benefits: HSRP’s come with non-removable Snap-on locks and are difficult to replace.
- HSRP’s are affixed by automobile dealers and private vendors approved by the state authorities.
- These plates are issued only after the vehicle owner provides with information like engine number, chassis number, etc.
- This is a crucial step in preventing counterfeiting of high security registration plates.
- The details of a car, like engine number, chassis number, etc. are stored in a centralized database.
- This information, along with the 10-digit PIN, helps the authorities to identify a stolen vehicle.
- HSRPs have a uniform pattern of displaying motor vehicle registration number, therefore addressing the issue of ‘incomprehensible’ vehicle registration plates.