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Exports of GI certified Gholvad Sapota (chikoo) for Maharashtra to UK

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    22nd May, 2021

A consignment of Dahanu Gholvad Sapota from Palghar district of Maharashtra was sent to United Kingdom  to boost to exports of Geographical Indication (GI) certified products, a.


A consignment of Dahanu Gholvad Sapota from Palghar district of Maharashtra was sent to United Kingdom  to boost to exports of Geographical Indication (GI) certified products, a.

About the GI Dahanu Gholvad Sapota

  • GI certification of Ghovad Sapota is held by Maharashtra.
    • It is a variety of locally known as Chiku.
    • The fruit is known for its sweet and unique taste.
    • The unique taste is derived from calcium rich soil.
  • GI products with its uniqueness, intrinsic value and practically no competition from outsiders, offers good potential for export.
  • APEDA has been thrust on promotion of exports of GI products.

Geographical Indication

  • A geographical indication is a sign that is used on products having a specific geographical origin and possess qualities or a reputation that are due to that origin.
  • Geographical Indication is granted to agricultural, natural, manufactured, handicraft which originates from a definite geographical territory.
  • India, as a member of the WTO, enacted the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration & Protection)Act, 1999 that came into force with effect from 15th September 2003.
    • Under the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, the geographical indications are covered as an element of IPRs.
    • They are also covered under the Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement.
  • Issuing Authority: The tag is issued by the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks (Geographical Indication Registry).
    • The Geographical Indication Registry works under under the Department of Industry Promotion and Internal Trade (DIPP), Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
  • Time duration: A GI is registered for an initial period of ten years, which may be renewed from time to time.
    • Karnataka is leading in filing of Geographical Indications registered followed by Tamil Nadu and Kerala. 

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