Business Responsibility Reporting
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15th Aug, 2020
- Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) releases the Report of the Committee on Business Responsibility Reporting.
- It is a disclosure of adoption of responsible business practices by a listed company to all its stakeholders.
- Business Responsibility Reporting is applicable to all types of companies including manufacturing, services etc.
- A new reporting framework called the ‘Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report (BRSR)’ has been recommended to better reflect the intent and scope of reporting on non-financial parameters.
- The BRSR would be integrated with the MCA 21 portal.
- The information captured through BRSR filings should be used to develop a Business Responsibility-Sustainability Index for companies.
- The top 1000 listed companies are to undertake this reporting mandatorily.
- The reporting requirement may be extended by MCA to unlisted companies above specified thresholds of turnover and/or paid-up capital.