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Brain finger-printing

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    Science & Technology
  • Published
    28th Nov, 2020
  • The Brain Electrical Oscillation Signature Profiling (BEOSP) is known as brain-fingerprinting.
  • It is a neuro psychological method of interrogation.

What is brain finger-printing?

  • The Brain Electrical Oscillation Signature Profiling (BEOSP) is known as brain-fingerprinting.
  • It is a neuro psychological method of interrogation.
  • Under this, theaccused’s participation in the crime is investigated by studying their brain’sresponse.
  • The BEOSP test is carried out via a process known aselectroencephalogram, conducted to study the electrical behaviour of the humanbrain.
  • BEOSP test offers a much more credible result.

How the test is done?

  • Under this test, the consent of the accused is first taken.
  • The accused are then shownvisuals or played audio clips related to the crime to check if there is any triggeringof neurons in their brains which then generate brainwaves.
  • The test results arethen studied to determine the participation of the accused in a crime.

What is the phenomenon behind the test?

  • The tests are based on the phenomenons of ‘knowledge’ and‘experience’.
  • A person’s brain might have knowledge of the crime committed.
  • It is the ‘experience’ of having participated inthe crime that determines their guilt.

Can these tests be admitted as evidence?

  • In 2010, the Supreme Court passed a judgment in the Selviversus State of Karnataka case where the bench observed that narco analysis,polygraph and brain mapping tests cannot be forced upon any individual withouttheir consent and the test results cannot be admitted solely as evidence.
  • Howeverany information or material discovered during the tests can be made part of the evidence.

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