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Aenigmachanna gollum

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    28th Oct, 2020

It belongs to an old family of fish, called dragon snakeheads

  • It belongs to an old family of fish, called dragon snakeheads.
  • The researchers say that the area where Aenigmachanna was collected is part of the Western Ghats – Sri Lanka Hotspot — which is among the richest biodiversity hotspots in the world.
  • It looks like a dragon, swims like an eel, and has remained hidden for a hundred million years.
  • It lives in underground aquifers.
  • The name has been inspired from the character Gollum, who always stays underground, in the movie ‘Lord of the Rings’.
  • It has been spotted recently in Kerala.
  • The scientists came to know about the fish through social media in 2018.
  • It is assumed that they originated in the Gondwanalandwhich later split into the continents of Asia and Africa.

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